Assessing a doubt about Tartaria and the Zionist Movement.

# Common doubts about Tartaria

1/ Nikola Tesla's father was a Jesuit (priest).

According to the history of that period, the Jesuits were henchmen for the church organization, carrying out plots to destroy the old world (Tartaria).

The Jesuits have been active since quite early, since the 12th century, through the dark ages, until now they still belong to the faction of the world rulers.

2/ It shows! And with the zionist movement they get all the help they need! I don't know whether Tartaria exists or that's just another layer of psyop/black-op on the top of flat earth, in order to render everything questionable, and the need for nanny-state agencies to validate what should be acceptable. One thing is clear, there are many civilizations existing in the distant past, far more advanced than the current abominable slave system! Their fingerprints are all around us from centuries to many millenia...

# Appraisal (Assessing a doubt about Tartaria and the Zionist Movement)

Tartaria is real, but it is just a name based on the map.

The map is used by the elite to hide historical facts, and at the same time draw and divide power.

That is the job of dividing up the Royal Society.

In fact, Tartaria is an empire that has existed for more than 800 years, since the birth of Christ. But I am not talking about the Christ in the Bible, but the Christ who was not crucified.

The Koran says that Christ was not crucified.

Tartaria is a universal world with divine revelations.

The simplest example is that if there was a statue of a woman in Tartary, the statue would have the opposite message compared to the Statue of Liberty today.

When Tartaia began to fight the church organizations in Europe from the 12th century, they established a fighting organization, called Islam (Peace). Islam fights Christianity. In fact, Islam was Judaism, which the Jesuits later swapped! In reality, Judaism and Jews did not exist.

After 1900, historians and the media said that a small group of Jews existed before and during the Renaissance as usury banks - and claimed that they were the criminals of humanity.

In fact, they were using the tarnished evidence of Islam in the Tartarian period to label their invented name as Jews.

Zionism is nothing more than maintaining a state of war, in order to achieve the political goals of the world rulers. This is like them (the elite) often create fake opposition.

There is a book called Tartaria - Skull and Bones that will clarify this as a historical scientific method (not historical fiction) by David Ewing Jr.

Tartaria - Skull and Bones | The Truth about Vampires and Christianity.
Tartaria - Skull and Bones | The Truth about Vampires and Christianity.

Zionism is irrelevant to restore Tartaria. Those who pursue peace and truth never propose the solution of "restoring Tartaria" by force, because the past is only a lesson, and we need to solve the difficulties in society. solve problems with your head, not with a gun. In fact, historical investigators seek the truth, in order to find solutions for the future, they are not politicians who are guiding the people's thoughts.

Zionism, like modern Islam, are all created as an invention from a group of people who rule the world. They create fake opposition (controlled opposition) to maintain the extreme of war, to achieve political goals by means of use force against the people (if necessary).

Some important links about Tartaria:

Speaking of ancient maps with Latin inscriptions, intended for those who used maps to study Tartaria:

Tartaria is just a name created by cartographers, power dividers. The British, French, Dutch, and their allies in the royal society did this.

This map was also kept by them.

The map of Tartaria before 1500 would be a forbidden map in the kingdom of God (the Old World was not yet fragmented).

This is clearly shown on the map, some places called it Tartaria, others did not.

Latin is a new language, as is English. After 1800, English and Latin began to prevail.

So who is this map for?

There must be a group of people outside this flat earth who use that language. But English, Latin, are both reversed and corrected Arabic. So those extraterrestrials (who may have flown in fish-shaped planes) actually originated from those who betrayed Arabic.

Question: How many people were there in this group?

Example of a map:

Detailed cartography of the lands of the percoptis and nogiz tartars circa I707.

Decorative map of the region from Cyprus and the Holy Lands to the Caspian Sea, with the center of the Black Sea. Ornamental cartridge. The map was engraved to illustrate an early 18th-century Dutch translation of Juan de Luca's travels from the mid-14th century. See map below...

Detailed cartography of the lands of the percoptis and nogiz tartars circa I707.

Important: Searching for historical truth is searching for the truth about Tartaria. I recommend two reliable figures on the Tartaria investigation: David Ewing Jr and Anatoly T. Fomenko

A famous and high-quality book about Tartaria that cannot be missed: 

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