History: Fiction or Science? Using Mathematics to Investigate the Past!

Astronomical methods applied to chronology. Ptolemy`s Almagest. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. The Egyptian zodiacs.

Crafting an essay on the premise of "History: Fiction or Science? True Historical Science: Using Mathematics to Investigate the Past," we delve into the intriguing realms of historical inquiry through a lens of mathematical scrutiny. Fomenko's mathematical analyses, pioneered to construct event graphs spanning centuries, unravel a narrative of historical recurrence attributed to plagiarism from antiquity, particularly evident in medieval epochs.

His mathematical framework extends beyond mere chronological scrutiny, facilitating a reevaluation of historical artifacts, notably maps. Surprisingly, maps purportedly dating back to ancient eras are recontextualized, revealing their true origins centuries later, a testament to the precision of Fomenko's methodology.

However, amidst the plethora of documented events, historians contend that humanity's past is comprehensively chronicled through diverse cultural and chronological lenses. Yet, traditional dating methods, as highlighted in our exploration, exhibit notable inconsistencies and inaccuracies, casting doubt upon established historical chronologies. Such discrepancies prompt a critical reevaluation of history's veracity, challenging conventional perceptions of the past as a factual continuum.

History: Fiction or Science? Chronology 3: Astronomical methods applied to chronology. Ptolemy`s Almagest. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. The Egyptian zodiacs.
Dr. Prof Anatoly Fomenko and team dissect Almagest of ancient Ptolemy compiled allegedly in 150 a.d. and considered to be the cornerstone of classical history. Their report states: Almagest was compiled in XVI-XVII from astronomical data of IX-XVI. As the King of astronomers Ptolemy is proven to be a medieval phantom, therefore standing acquitted of the crime he was accused of by the late American astrophysicist Robert Newton.

Check: History: Fiction or Science? Chronology 3: Astronomical methods applied to chronology. Ptolemy`s Almagest. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. The Egyptian zodiacs.

Central to our discourse is the pivotal discovery catalyzed by Russian mathematician Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, whose investigation into celestial mechanics unearthed revelations echoing through historical corridors. Fomenko's scrutiny of Robert Russell Newton's celestial navigation network, predicated on ancient lunar eclipse data, unveiled anomalous lunar motions spanning millennia, eluding conventional gravitational explanations.

Newton's enigma, unresolved by contemporary academia, beckoned Fomenko's inquisitive spirit. A serendipitous encounter with Nikolai Morozov's new chronology, embedded within a tome detailing solar eclipses, provided the missing puzzle piece. Substituting Morozov's dates into Newton's calculations, Fomenko dispelled the mystique surrounding lunar anomalies, affirming the stability of celestial mechanics over time.

In essence, Fomenko's mathematical rigor redefines historical inquiry, transcending conventional paradigms to unveil the tapestry of humanity's past. By melding mathematical precision with historical scrutiny, we embark on a quest for truth, unearthing the veritable fabric of history amidst the nebulous realms of fiction and myth.

Important: Searching for historical truth is searching for the truth about Tartaria. I recommend two reliable figures on the Tartaria investigation: David Ewing Jr and Anatoly T. Fomenko

A famous and high-quality book about Tartaria that cannot be missed: Tartaria - Secrets of Kabbalah

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Why Antiquity and Dark Ages were to be invented?

The consensual world history was manufactured in Europe in XVI-XIX centuries with political agenda of powers of that period on the basis of erroneous clerical chronology elaborated by Jesuits Joseph Justus Scaliger and Dionysius Petavius.
By the middle of the XVI th century the prime political agenda of Europe that reached superiority in Sciences and Technologies, but was still inferior militarily to the Evil Empire of Eurasia, was to free Europe.
The concerted effort of European aristocracy, black and white Catholic clergy, protestants, humanists, and scientists in XV-XVII th centuries in creation and dissemination of fictional Ancient World served this agenda.
The fictional Ancient World was created by representing events of XI-XVI centuries as ones that happened thousands of years before according to the ancient sources they wrote by authorities they invented.
The European aristocracy, a considerable part of which were fugitives from Byzantine and/or the inheritors of Eurasian warlords, supported the myth of the Ancient World to justify its claims to the countries they ruled.

Why Antiquity and Dark Ages were to be invented

History: Fiction or Science? Chronology Vol.IV: 👉 Why, When and Who invented the Antiquity?

Important: Searching for historical truth is searching for the truth about Tartaria. I recommend two reliable figures on the Tartaria investigation: David Ewing Jr and Anatoly T. Fomenko

A famous and high-quality book about Tartaria that cannot be missed: 

History: Fiction or Science? Vol. 2 ( Chronology): The dynastic parallelism method. Rome. Troy. Greece. The Bible. Chronological shifts

The dynastic parallelism method. Rome. Troy. Greece. The Bible. Chronological shifts.

You will be amazed to discover:
– That the chronology universally accepted today and taken for granted is simply wrong;
– That ALL methods of dating of ancient sources and artifacts known today are erroneous or non-exact;
– That there is not a single document that could be reliably dated earlier than the XIth century;

The author refers to the Middle Ages as the Antiquity and proves the mutual superimposition of the Second and the Third Roman Empire, both of which become identified as the respective kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Furthermore, he asserts that the famous reform of the Occidental Church in the XI century by Pope Gregory Hildebrand was the reflection of the XII century reforms of Byzantine emperor Andronicus, who identifies with Jesus Christ.

The dynastic parallelism method. Rome. Troy. Greece

Important: Searching for historical truth is searching for the truth about Tartaria. I recommend two reliable figures on the Tartaria investigation: David Ewing Jr and Anatoly T. Fomenko

A famous and high-quality book about Tartaria that cannot be missed: Tartaria - Secrets of Kabbalah

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